Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Unique Carnivorous Plants Make a Traps | Part 1

5 Unique carnivorous plants make a trapsPlants have the characteristics of each, as well as humans. Like humans, plants also are living beings, need food to grow and proliferate. Each type of plant has a way to survive in accordance with their own kind. There are 5 kinds of strange plants studied, turned out to have a plant have unique way to make a traps. Below is a list of 5 unique carnivorous plants make a traps, complete with a mechanism to eat. Let’s see.

5. Pinguicula

Pinguicula, or butterworts, is a group of carnivorous plants that use a sticky substance, glandular leaves to lure, trap and digest insects. Nutrients from insects complement the mineral content of the soil is poor. There are about 80 species found throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia.

Butterwort leaves are beautiful and usually green or pink of Regional. There are two specific types of cells found on the upper side of leaf butterwort. One, known as penduncular gland, and consists of secretory cells on a single stem cell. These cells produce a mucilaginous secretion which forms visible droplets on the leaf surface, and acts like flypaper. Other cells called glands sessile. They lay on the leaf surface and produce enzymes such as amylase, esterase and protease, which helps in digestion process.

4. Drosera

Drosera, commonly known as the sundews, consisting of one of the largest genus of carnivorous plants, with at least 194 species. can be found widely spread over every continent except Antarctica. Sundews, (depending on species) can take the form of roses prostrate or erect, ranging from 1 cm to 1m high, and can live to 50 years.

Sundews glands characterized by moving tentacles, topped with sweet sticky liquid. When an insect lands on the sticky tentacles, these plants can move more toward the tentacles to trap more insects. Once trapped, small sessile glands of insects to digest and absorb nutrients that are generated, which can then be used to help growth.

3. Byblis

Byblis, or a rainbow plant, is a small genus of carnivorous plants native Australia. The name comes from the rainbow plant an attractive appearance leaves them covered with slime in the sun. Although this plant looks similar to Drosera and Drosophllum, they are not related to the similarity of species and can be distinguished by flowers with five stamens Zygomorphic curved.

The leaves have a rounded cross section, and they tend to be very elongated and tapered at the ends. Leaf surface completely covered with hair glands that release a sticky mucilaginous substance, which in turn trap small insects on the leaves or tentacles as a passive flypaper traps.

That’s 3 types of meat-eaters unique plants from the list of five unique carnivorous plants. There are still two other meat-eaters unique plants, follow the continuation of this article on the next page: 5 unique carnivorous plants | Part 2. How to eat and how they obtain prey such as animals, different way with other plant species, which survive with sunlight and water. 5 unique carnivorous plants have their own way to make a traps.

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