Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Unique Carnivorous Plants Make a Traps | Part 2

Continuation article of : 5 unique carnivorous plants5 — Plants have the characteristics of each, as well as humans. Like humans, plants also are living beings, need food to grow and proliferate. Each type of plant has a way to survive in accordance with their own kind. There are 5 kinds of strange plants studied, turned out to have a plant have unique way to make a traps. Below is a list of 5 unique carnivorous plants make a traps, complete with a mechanism to eat. Let’s see.

4. Aldrovanda vesiculosa

Aldrovanda vesiculosa, also known as water mill plant, is interesting plants without roots, carnivores, and also aquatic plants. usually eat small vertebrates, using a mechanism called a trap snap traps.

This plant is mainly composed of free-floating stems, reaching 6 – 11cm in length. Trap leaves grow along the 2-3mm grew from 5-9, in succession along the stem near the center of the plant. Trap attached to the petioles, which contain air, and assist in flotation.

This is a very fast growing plant and can reach 4-9mm per day, in some cases even generate new thread every day. As the plant grows from one end, the other end will continue dead.Perangkap basically consists of two lobes together to make the traps shut.

The openings of the trap exit point, and covered in a layer of hair trigger, which will cause the trap to clap shut down when any prey that comes too close. speed trap shut is 10 milli / sec, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the animal kingdom.

5. Dionaea muscipula

Dionaea muscipula, better known as the Venus flytrap, carnivorous plants is probably the most famous, and he ate mainly on insects and arachnids. Venus flytrap is a small plant that has 4-7 leaves that grow from underground stems short. Leaves are divided into two: a heart-shaped leaf stalks are flattened and a pair of terminal lobes hinged at the midrib, forming a trap which is actually a true leaf. The surface the inside of the lobes contains red pigments and ultimately remove the mucus.

This shows lobes fast motion by putting plants close when special sensory hairs are stimulated. This plant is so advanced that can distinguish between the stimulus and the stimulus that is not living life.
Lobes close within about 0.1 / sec. they are constrained by rigid spines or protrusions such as cilia, which cover together and prevent large prey from escaping. Once the prey can not escape and the inner surface of the lobe continues to be stimulated, or gripping the edge of the lobes to grow together, sealing the trap and create a “belly” closed where digestion and absorption can occur.

That’s 2 types of meat-eaters unique plants continuation page from the list of five unique carnivorous plants | Part 1. There are another 3 of meat-eaters unique plants, on the other page: 5 unique carnivorous plants | Part 1. How to eat and how they obtain prey such as animals, different way with other plant species, which survive with sunlight and water. 5 unique carnivorous plants have their own way to make a traps.

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